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What's h07rn-f temperature rating? h07rn-f current & h07rn-f diameter
h07rn-f temperature rating of -30oC to +60oC for fixed installations, Let VGCABLE introduce what's h07rn-f temperature rating? h07rn-f current & h07rn-f diameter.
1.h07rn-f temperature rating
H07RN-F trailing duty cable has a temperature rating of -30oC to +60oC for fixed installations (rising to +85oC for fixed protected installations) and from -15oC to +60oC when flexed.Max continuous operating conductor temperature in normal use :
+60°C ( in every case of mobile installation)
+85°C ( fixed protected installation )
+200°C ( in short circuit )
Permissible current rating is measured for an ambient temperature of 30°C and a maximum operating and conductor temperature of 85°C . For other temperature please refer to correction factors .
Some H07RN-F temperature range: -25°C to +60°C, according to the cable laying environment choice.
2.h07rn-f current
Current-carrying capacity (4 mm² and above)h07rn-f current, Current-carrying capacity (4 mm² and above)
3.h07rn-f diameter
![h07rn-f diameter](/uploads/allimg/200310/1-200310105441300.gif)
H07RN-F cable Static Use Bend Radius: 3 x outer diameter (for Ø < 12 mm) or 4 x (for Ø > 12 mm).