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What is ho7rnf rubber flexible cable? ho7rnf cable current rating & ho7 cable data sheet
Ho7rnf cable is rubber flexible cable types, Let VGCABLE intorduce What is ho7rnf rubber flexible cable? ho7rnf cable current rating & ho7 cable data sheet.
1.What is ho7rnf rubber flexible cable?
H07RN-F applications: heavy duty trailing rubber flexible cable used to power electrical appliances and building sites. Resistant sheath means it can be used in refrigerating installations.Applicable standard: IEC 60245-4 / GB/T 5013.4
Flame retardance: IEC 60332-1 / GB/T 18380.1
Conductor: Plain or tinned annealed copper, IEC 60228 / GB/T 3956 Class 5
Insulation: Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) compound, type IE4
Sheath: Rubber compound, type SE3, Polychloroprene (PCP) compound, type SE4
2.Ho7rnf cable current rating?
Current-carrying capacity and mass supportable (1 mm² to 2.5 mm²)ho7rnf Current-carrying capacity and mass supportable (1 mm² to 2.5 mm²)
Current-carrying capacity (4 mm² and above)
ho7rnf current, Current-carrying capacity (4 mm² and above)
3.Ho7 cable data sheet
ho7 cable diameter & ho7 cable data sheet: