How to start a fire with sticks?
Starting a fire with sticks requires some patience and practice, but it is definitely doable. Here are the basic steps:
1. Choose the right materials: You will need a softwood stick and a hardwood flat board, both of which should be dry. The softwood stick should be about as thick as your wrist and at least 2 feet long. The board should be around a foot long.
2. Carve a notch at the center of the board: Use a knife to carve a V-shaped notch in the center of the board. The notch should be about 2-3 inches long and half an inch wide at the top.
3. Place a piece of tinder below the notch: Collect a handful of dry, fluffy material such as dry grass, bark, or leaves and place it below the notch.
4. Hold the board and start drilling: Place the board on a flat surface and hold it steady with your foot or another person. Hold the softwood stick upright, with the tip in the notch and start rotating it quickly between your palms so that it rubs against the board. Keep drilling until you build up some heat.
5. Apply pressure and blow: Once you see a tiny ember starting to form, quickly blow on it to help it grow. Then, gently add more pressure, moving the stick back and forth in the notch to help the ember grow. Use the ember to light the tinder beneath it, and you should have a fire going!
Remember to always be careful when starting a fire and make sure you have permission to do so.